Technical inspection of gas cylinders
LPG gas cylinder distribution
Gas cylinder sales with home delivery
En-gross sales
We are a Romanian company that follows the tradition of the activity of Periodical Technical Inspection of Gas Cylinders (VTP), the distribution at sales points, as well as home delivery of LPG charges. The society carried out a programme of endowment with modern utilities and transportation vehicles with the aim of realizing the goal that was set out by the object of our activity. From the date of the establishment of the company, more than half a million of families have benefited from the security offered by our services of Periodical Technical Inspection of Gas Cylinders (VTP). Our LPG charges, certified by GASPECO L&D SA (access link), are of the best quality on the market and offer the highest security level in exploitation. The most rigorous tasks that appeared during the activity of the company found their solution with the help of our specialists along with our groups formed by people with a lot of experience and dedication
Our motto is
Datele personale pe care le prelucram sunt adresa, numarul de telefon, adresa de email sau alte date personale pe care le colectam direct de la client. Acestea sunt necesare atat pentru livrarea buteliei cu aragaz cat si pentru asigurarea serviciilor de dupa livrare, rezolvarea unei sesizari, in scop de marketing pentru imbunatatirea si dezvoltarea produselor si serviciilor. Datele personale sunt prelucrate pe tot parcursul relatiei noastre comerciale si, dupa finalizarea acesteia, cel putin pe perioada impusa de prevederile legale aplicabile in domeniu, inclusiv, dar fara limitare, la dispozitiile privind arhivarea.
Mai jos gasiti o parte din drepturile pe care le aveti:
Dreptul la informare – puteti solicita informatii privind activitatile de prelucrare a datelor personale;
Dreptul la rectificare – puteti rectifica datele personale inexacte sau le puteti completa;
Dreptul la stergerea datelor – puteti obtine stergerea datelor;
Va puteti exercita aceste drepturi, prin transmiterea unei solicitari la sediul nostru din Biharia, str Bethlen Gabriel, nr 7, prin E-mail la , ori telefonic la numerele 0259411540, 0359915.